IN TUNE – Music Studies for Children and Youth At Risk

לעברית לחצו כאן

The program provides youngsters at risk the opportunity to discover all music has to offer, on an equal basis, at a high quality professional music conservatory.

Children educated in at-risk children’s homes, who show an interest in music, are invited to learn to play an instrument or study singing, individually and in groups. They also join in all the many activities on offer at the Conservatory.

We believe all children are entitled to equal opportunity to discover and learn about subjects they are interested in, even if these are not available to them. Integrating children at an eminent music conservatory bolsters their self-esteem and enhances their capabilities.

Studies show that music has a therapeutic effect on the human soul. It enriches personal development and furthers the ability to cope and build self-confidence, all the more so when it comes to young people at risk.

Engaging in music helps integrate at-risk children into active spheres of Israeli society while keeping them involved and instilling in them social responsibility. As a music education institution, we are committed to promoting, teaching and presenting music to this section of the community.

The program was established in 2016 for children and teenagers at children’s homes and after-school facilities in Tel Aviv, to enable them to study music. The program operates in coordination with the municipal welfare authorities and with the management and staff at the children’s homes, as well as other institutions. 70 participants aged 8 to 20 take lessons in playing instruments and singing, participate in vocal and instrumental ensembles as well as pre-instrument classes. Most of the activity takes place at the Conservatory premises so the children also get a taste of the vibrant musical atmosphere and they mix with Conservatory students.
Conservatory students also benefit from this social connection with the community.

At the same time we operate in group settings for younger children. This takes place at the homes and the after-school facilities for children at risk, managed and supervised by Conservatory teachers. Later on, part of these children move on to individual music lessons. In this way we are building the future generation. 

The teachers in the program are skilled and experienced in working with children at risk.

Besides the teachers , we have a support group (for emotional, musical and logistical issues) to ensure a continuous progression and effective communication with the children and their tutors.

The attendance rate for the last two years is 80%. The program so far numbers 5 graduates who have completed twelfth grade and been awarded Conservatory graduate certificates. Three of them continue to be involved in music.

The program is run on a voluntary basis by Hanny Stoessel-Nagel a member of the Conservatory Friends’ Association.

The support system is operated by Conservatory volunteers, students in the Conservatory Jazz Program in collaboration with New School University New York, and IDF ‘Outstanding Musician’ soldiers.

Highlights from our summer concerts 2022:

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