Adult Studies Program


Have you always dreamt of playing a musical instrument?

Have you played in the past and wish to go back to this old love?

Are you active performers in search of chamber music partners?


We have prepared a special program for you: Chamber music sessions, instrument classes and voice sessions for adults (18 and up)

Program head: Daphna Itzhaky

Instrument classes, Chamber music ensembles and enrichment lessons in specific tracks under the guidance of professional musicians.

The program head will find for each of you the program which is specifically suited to your personal wishes and capability. We cordially invite you to become part of an active musical community anchored at the Israel Music Conservatory – a gorgeous, vibrant site at the center of Tel Aviv.

Chamber Music – “FROM DUO TO SEXTET”

יפה קריינדל-אלט, יותם שומרוני- פסנתר, יוני גרטנר- ויולה והדרכה

Ensembles of up to 6 musicians

Ensemble playing is magical. It gratifies, develops listening abilities, communication, interaction, reciprocity. Fulfill your love of music through weekly music sessions under the guidance of professional teachers.

The Chamber Music Program is open to: Woodwind and brass players, string players. pianists, singers, players or singers who wish to join Baroque ensembles, Singers who wish to join the vocal madrigal ensemble, accordion players who wish to join the accordion ensemble.

The program is open for registration.

For further details and registration please click here.

Personal sessions in all musical instruments and in voice

We will provide you with the suitable teacher according to the musical instrument, the level of performance, the personal areas of interest and goals.

Flexible session time frame and online sessions available.

Program structure

A package of 8 sessions, 60 minutes each.

The package is valid for 3 months as of the first session.

More significant instrument and voice studies require a long range commitment. The package offer is meant to allow you to decide at the end of the term whether you want to continue or to change the track. It is possible and recommended to continue studying at the end of the package period and to purchase additional packages.

Session schedule will be arranged directly with the instructor.

Teaching staff:  Conservatory teachers and the foremost performers in the various instruments. Teachers chosen through Individual matching.

Tuition fees: NIS 1650.- for 8 sessions.

10% discount for senior citizens, soldiers in regular active service and conservatory students’ parents

No double reduction.

Please fill in the registration form and send it by email to Tali at the Conservatory secretariat:
To download the form please save link as (right click, and click “save link as”)  Here
For payment by phone, after sending the form, please call the secretariat: 03-5460524

Voice Ensemble for Senior Citizens (60+)

הרכב קולי לשיר בגיל, מנצחת- דליה לזר, פסנתר- ינינה ציטרין

Voice ensemble for senior citizens (+60) under the guidance of Dalia Lazar Shimon.

On Sundays between19.35 and 21.00  (90 min. of practice) throughout the school year.

The ensemble practices a varied repertoire – Israeli songs, songs in different languages and classical songs, and holds several concerts throughout the year.

Monthly tuition fees NIS 250.
Prior experience is not required.
The ensemble is open for registration to new and continuing participants.
We’ll be happy to see you!
Number of participants is limited.

Please fill in the registration form and send it by email to Julia at the Conservatory secretariat:
To download the form please save link as (right click, and click “save link as”)  Here
For payment by phone, after sending the form, please call the secretariat: 03-5460524

We are here to help you  

For questions and consultation send an email or a whatsapp message to Daphna – the track coordinator:    052-622-2454

For registration and payment please fill the form and send by mail to the conservatory secretary:

צרו איתנו קשר

האירועים הקרובים

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