The Center for Early Music

Department Head: Drora Bruck

At the beginning of the 20th Century a new musical movement was formed in Europe that advocated the authentic performance of early music, claiming that even when the same notes are written, the music sounds differently in each period. The movement has evolved into one of the most central musical and artistic movements of the 20th century. One by one, departments were formed to teach specific instruments, styles and performance practices of early music.

The Early Music Center at the Israel Conservatory is the only one of its kind in Israel, and offers students the opportunity to specialize in period instruments and performance styles.  The students learn to play Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music, using the relevant instruments of the time.


A keyboard instrument for which Bach and Handel, among many others, composed. Children from the age of six, who are interested in this fascinating instrument – which requires both gentle and intricate approach – are admitted. One can study playing the harpsicord as a sole instrument or alongside the piano. Harpsichord is recommended for students aged 12-16, who are interested in technical and mental challenges. The harpsichord class teacher is Marina Minkin.

Viola da Gamba *

A string instrument with 6 strings similar to the cello. Children from the age of 9 can study playing this instrument which has a vast and fascinating repertoire from the Renaissance to our days.

As students progress in their studies they can join Gamba ensembles. Mirna Herzog and Tal Arbel teach Viola da Gamba.

Baroque Recorders

The recorder has a vast repertoire ranging from the 13th century until our days. Students who choose to specialize in baroque recorders study different kinds of recorders and become acquainted with a fascinating and dazzling repertoire.

Drora Bruck teaches the recorders’ class.

Traverso – Baroque flute*

If you ever wondered why the modern flute, made of metal, is part of the woodwind instruments, that answer is that originally the Baroque flute was made of wood. At the Conservatory students from the age of 9 learn to play traverso and specialize in its special nuances. They are eligible to learn playing the traverso alongside the modern flute or as a single instrument.

Genevieve Blanchard teaches the traverso class.

Singing lessons

Students may specialize in early music performance to get acquainted with the sources of that music and its stylistic elements. Students of all ages, both beginners and advanced, are admitted

Ayala Sikron teaches the singing class.

The Early Music program’s teachers are some of the best early instruments musicians in Israel, all have an international reputation and a vast experience in teaching.. They help students to achieve their musical goals, while tailoring personalized study programs for each student in accordance with his/her wishes and capabilities.

*A preferred instrument at subsidized tuition fees.

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