Voice department & “Bat Kol” Choir

Department Head: Anat Morahg

There are three Bat Kol Choirs

Bat Kol Representative Choir – ages 12-18, conducted by Anat Morahg

Young Bat Kol – ages 9-12, conducted by Dalia Lazar-Shimon

Preparatory Bat Kol – ages 6-9, conducted by Dalia Lazar-Shimon

Registration to the Conservatory, for choir studies, is possible and includes solfege and aural skills lessons. Group voice lessons at additional payment.

When registering to the Conservatory for any instrument studies or for individual voice lessons, choir activity is complimentary.

For further information contact:

Anat Morahg, Representative Bat Kol and voice teacher – batkolchoir@gmail.com

Dalia Lazar-Shimon, conductor of young Choirs and Bat Kol coordinator – dalia1975@gmail.com

Group voice lessons

Young singers who join the Representative Bat Kol Choir are offered a group voice lesson that includes work on posture, breathing, correct use of the vocal chords and help with  repertoire

Individual voice lessons

Members of the Representative Choir, interested in individual sessions, in addition to their Choir participation, take voice lessons with Anat Morahg. They are given the chance to perform as soloists at the Israel Conservatory as well as in Bat Kol performances. They also perform as soloists at the Israel Opera, in national ceremonies, and performances to the public. They take the matriculation exam in singing (5 units).


In addition to the Choir rehearsals, members of the Bat Kol Choirs have solfege and aural skills lessons taught by Dalia Lazar- Shimon and Yenina Zitrin.

Piano accompaniment

Choir singers who take individual voice lessons work with pianist Yenina Zitrin who accompanies them in concerts and the matriculation exam.

Bat-Kol Girls’ Choir

Bat-Kol Girls’ Choir of the Israel Conservatory of Music, Tel Aviv, conducted by Anat Morahg, is one of the leading youth choirs in Israel. Anat Morahg has been the conductor of Bat-Kol since its establishment. In addition she also conducts Ma’ayan choir, the representative choir of the Tel-Aviv municipality.

The Choir was founded in 1984 and consists of about 170 children and youth in three ensembles:  alongside the Representative Bat-Kol Girls’ Choir (50 girls, ages 12 to 18), there are two children choirs (ages 6 to 12), under the direction of Dalia Lazar-Shimon – herself a Bat-Kol choir graduate with a university degree in singing and conducting.

The Choir regularly performs in concerts for the general public and frequently takes part in productions of the Israeli Opera (“La Boheme”, “Carmen”, “Pick Dam”, “Turandot”, “Pagliacci”, “Boris Godunov”, “Tosca” and more), as well as with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and many other orchestras.

In recent years, Bat Kol has won first prizes and gold medals in international competitions, and participated in vocal festivals in Finland, Austria, Italy, England, the Netherlands, Spain, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, Slovakia. Bat Kol participated in a festival in China, by the invitation of the Chinese Ministry of Culture.

See link of those achievements *https://youtu.be/wbroqQ2grBM

In April 2011 the representative Bat-Kol Girls’ Choir participated in the Slovakia Cantat 2011 International Choir Competition, in which it won three gold medals as well as the Grand Prix, achieving the highest score among all the competing choirs.                                                                                                                       

Anat Morahg, the conductor of the choir, was awarded the competition’s Special Prize for Excellent Conducting Performance.

In 2014 the Choir participated in the 49th International Festival of choral singing in Barcelona, which included appearances in historical sites around Spain.

The Choir’s repertoire is varied and includes classical works, musicals, Israeli songs, folk songs and works written especially for the choir by Israeli composers.  Recently Bat-Kol produced two operas, both of which were broadcast on radio and television, with highly favorable reviews.

A few examples of the repertoire:

  1. Singing in the rain – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=946o7dJaeVY
  1. Bat Kol at the official memorial ceremony for the Holocaust and

 in Jerusalem – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lkhext-SL4o

  1. O, Sing unto the Lord – https://youtu.be/lDM_1yY-4Yo
  1. All is gilded – https://youtu.be/8fKZOzvnSXQA

 Anat Morahg is the recipient of the 2018 Rosenblum Life-Time Achievement Award, on behalf of the city of Tel Aviv.

The Representative Bat Kol Choir has been invited to give four concerts in the UK – April 2019 :

London – April, 11 – JW3

               April, 12 –  Nightingale House

                April, 13 –  Belsize Square Synagogue with Benjamin Wolf’


Manchester – April 14 –  In a festival


Preparatory Bat Kol (1) grades 1-3

One weekly rehearsal: Thursdays 16.00-17.00

Aural skills: beginners, (new students), Thursdays before the rehearsal 15.30-16.00

 Advanced students (ongoing), Thursdays after the rehearsal 17.00-17.30

Young Bat Kol (2) grades 4-7

Choir rehearsal: twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays 17.30-19.00

Aural Skills:  beginners, Mondays 16.30-17.30, before rehearsal

               Advanced students, Thursdays 16.45-17.30 before rehearsal.

Representative Bat Kol (3) grades 7-12

Choir rehearsal: twice a week: Sundays and Wednesdays 17.15-19.00

Aural Skills: once a week, Sundays 16.15 -17.00 before rehearsal or Wednesdays 16.15-17.00 before rehearsal  

Aural Skills – Once a week: Sundays 16.15-17.00   before rehearsal or Wednesdays 16.15-17.00 before rehearsal.

Individual voice lessons –coordinated with Anat Morahg, conductor of the Representative Bat Kol Choir.

For further details:

 Anat Morahg, Represetative Bat Kol conductor and voice teacher:

03-6474898, 052-3598143 morahg@netvision.net.il

Dalia Lazar-Shimon, conductor of young Bat Kol Choirs and Bat Kol coordinator

050-5411534 dalia1975@gmail.com

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